Join the 2022
RoboCup Junior
MTA Beginners Cup!

Robotics teams assemble! RoboCup Junior is an New Zealand-wide robotics competition for school students of all ages and it's the place to launch or extend your students' robotics competition careers! RoboCup Junior isn't just about building engineering and technology skills, it's also a powerful experience that drives social-emotional learning outcomes such as sportsmanship, sharing, teamwork, understanding those different to us, cooperation, healthy competition and organisational skills.

Register your interest and we will send you a resource pack full of all the information you will need to get your school started on the RoboCup Junior journey.

Who is RoboCup Junior for?

For first-timers

If you're new here welcome!
The MTA Beginners Cup supports teachers and students who are brand-new to RoboCup Junior, like you! As a newbie, you can enter the MTA beginner division - Riley Rover Rescue and Simple Simon Soccer - or join the more advanced OnStage, Rescue Line, Rescue Maze or
Soccer Challenges.

For returning students

Returning teachers and students, welcome back! As a second-timer (or third, or fourth or fifth-timer) who is using the same robotics platform, you can choose to either enter a new event this year or try your hand again at the same event! 'Returners' can choose between OnStage, Rescue Line, Rescue Maze or Soccer Challenges.

For returning students, using
a new robotics platform

If you're returning, but you're trying out a new robotics platform, you can either join the advanced league in the OnStage, Rescue Line, Rescue Maze or Soccer Challenges. Or why not try the MTA beginner league and join either the Riley Rover Rescue and Simple Simon Soccer challenges?

What do I need?

Firstly, teams are made of up to five students, but we recommend 2-4 students to maximise learning outcomes.

Secondly, you'll need to build your robots! You can use any platform of your choice. The only specification is that robots must be programmed, not remote controlled. Most schools choose to use LEGO® Education SPIKE Prime, but most divisions are open to any robotics platform.

Excited about the tech? Check out our RoboCup Junior Resource Kits below:

RoboCup Rescue Packs

RoboCup Soccer Packs

RoboCup OnStage Packs

So much fun!

"We entered a team for the first time last year and it was really fun! Our school didn't have a robotics club or any idea how to get started so we were happy to get along to an MTA workshop. James was great. He gave us building ideas and showed how easy it was to get started. I set up a school team and we had fun preparing for competition. The event itself was amazing!

So much great energy - and we even managed to get third place in an event! Our school principle wrote about it in the newsletter and lots of parents then called up to get kids involved for next year. I encourage you to give it a try. It's easier than you think to get started and it's so great for STEM learning outcomes for the kids."

Primary School Teacher